MU Skulls
Online Games
Quick moving line to grab my DM badge!
Thursday am and it's the battle of Hastings using chainmail 3rd ed. with the finest of miniatures from Kazakhstan!
on to Troika! we saved the village from the needlefish birthing medusa!
I forgot to take a picture of my edge of the empire game: exiles counterstrike but the pcs foiled gar saxons' plans!
finished out the evening with some fun psychos mike, stache, and third guy
highlight of the con was playing in Tom's vallis mortis game friday am. sure i died but it was spectacular!
And when you die in a spectacular manner you should get a proper death certificate and this one is the gold standard!
i forgot to take a picture of my friday night cults of dunwich game so here is a ginger positive gary con poster instead!
saturday am and easily my favorite miniature event
the forces of melkor just keep coming. killing two of seven elvish sons was a slim moral victory but not what the master demands
so my royalist infantry on the right moved from the table edge and the game was over before the roundheads could take me out with canon
soy boy shout out to my friends rush and mo!
saturday night blow out with my juggalos never die game that i remembered to take a picture of!
so the wtf saturday blizzard was supposed to have melted by sunday noon and clearly didn't
adepticon two con sunday here we go again!