MU Skulls
Online Games
Wednesday GM HQ line! Long but speedy!
Wednesday 5PM game with old friends!
wednesday Night game with old friends and amazing indian food!
Thursday AM game with 5e Players new to Cthulhu! They did great!
thursday was a whirlwind so I sort of forgot to take pictures but the setups looked similar to this
Friday I stopped by the mini showcase to take a picture of my favorite!
friday and it's time for a seance in the witchhouse!
no surprise everyone deferred to the Sandy to run the seance
saturday AM I was invited to the big meet with other event organizers to discuss GM recruitment and game locations
I had to get past this dwarf to get to my Saturday AM game!
Professors playing professors! They were also 5e players and had a great time with some disfunctional university politics!
After an entire no show table I took solace with this groovy trio!
from how the saturday night game started to...
how the saturday night game ended!
Saturday night after hours! King Kong vs. cthulhu vs. godzilla!
halls abandonded at Sunday 1:30am! after 15 games this year gen con seems to have shut itself down. see you next year!